Waggle Deals

Waggle is a revolutionary crowdfunding model for pets in crisis. We connect animal lovers to pets facing euthanasia. Recurring donations are used to create matching donation grants to build a true safety net for these animals. Waggle’s technology doubles the impact of giving by creating “venture philanthropists,” as donors’ first $1 is turned into $2. This substantially improves the chances that a beloved family pet gets necessary, life-saving treatment.


Waggle Deals


Waggle is a revolutionary crowdfunding model for pets in crisis. We connect animal lovers to pets facing euthanasia. Recurring donations are used to create matching donation grants to build a true safety net for these animals. Waggle’s technology doubles the impact of giving by creating “venture philanthropists,” as donors’ first $1 is turned into $2. This substantially improves the chances that a beloved family pet gets necessary, life-saving treatment.

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